The Ghoul Goon Squad

Between receiving both the Conan and the Others 7 Sins KS pledge rewards, I have been spending my time gawking at all the lovely new shiny plastic minis.

My first impressions, both Conan and The Others:

The Mins are awesomely detailed, even though they are in preassembled “board game plastic” I can see very little flash, just a few pieces with visible mould lines. Some of the abominations have mould lines running down their long thin arms and/ or tentacles though. I also see that some minis have a small hole or mark where the sprue has been cut or broken off, and this is usually somewhere around the midriff or thigh-areas.

Qualitywise the minis are on par with the level of excellence achieved in Blood Rage, and for the most part better than Cthulhu Wars (the latter do have some mould line issues but are otherwise great (…old ones). Keeping in mind that all these minis are made in board game platic and not resin.

Some of the preassembled minis will be problematic to get access to paint all visible details, what with all the mouths within mouths and great big tusken teeth, especially the Others’ Avatar of Envy.

Game components seem to be well printed and in good quality board game cardstock. I must admit I have not bothered with looking too closely at the boards books and bits yet,.. still ogling those fabulous minis. The books seem well laid out, in full glossy colour and have lots in illustrations though out. Whether the game itself is worth playing remains to be seen.

Also, there are rather a lot of minis here! Enough to keep one occupied for months to come!

At any rate, as far as the minis go, both thumbs and a fair amount of tentacles up!

so, with that off my chest, I painted some old Citadel Ghouls that I recently traded in.



I just love these old Warhammer 5th ed Ghoul sculpts. The best Ghouls ever made in my opinion. I do have a bunch of these from earlier, but on those itty bitty 20mm square bases they originally came with.  I painted these quite differently. And quickly.



Warhammer Fantasy Battles, the Vampire Counts faction

Games Workshop


30mm bases


Painted so far this month: 24

Painted so fer this year: 320




Categories: age of sigmar, Citadel, Metal, Trade forums, WarhammerTags: , , , ,

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Tom Trussel

Part time author of dark, short fiction

Scent of a Gamer

From the computer to the tabletop, this is all about games. Updated each week-end.

Azazel's Bitz Box.

Painting, Modelling, Miniatures, 1:6, Games... Whatever else I find interesting.