Actually getting something done at last, part 2: Mantic (and Reaper) Zombies and Ghouls

Zombies are fun! Also easy peasy to paint.

Scruffy, ragged, dirty, blemished and full of gore and unmentionable stains.

140413 zombies  20 b

It helps that the Mantic Zombies are really, really good minis that are full of character! Here bolstered by some Reaper Bones zombies from their kickstarter.

140413 zombie 2140413 zombie 1   The two variants of Reaper Bones zombies. Like many of the human-sized miniatures, they are quite bendy and have softish detail. The one on the left is by fat the better figure. The face of the right one being …strangely elongated. I have put them on Mantic bases. The integral bases they come with are very easy to cut down to fit in the 10mm hole of the mantic base.


140413 zombie lineup

The full lineup. I just had to swap the head of one of them with a spare mantic zombie head to see what it would look like. Slightly too large it turns out. It seems fantasyworld also has its cases of Hydrocephalus. Anyway, they fit ok in the zombie regiment above.


Also Goa’uld Ghouls!

140413 ghouls line both 140413 ghouls line 2 140413 ghouls line 1

With these I have tried something new, namely basing them in strips of 5. I probably should have painted them before sticking them to the base, but I did not, so there you are. The most difficult bit was getting at some of the details between models, especially after gluing on the tufts. On the other hand, it was rather quick doing them like this, just blasting through them five at a time.

On one strip I used putty to build up the base around the figures integral ones, on the other I did not bother. It turns out it really is not neccessary as both bases look ok with the strategic placements of tufts.

I also used a couple of zombie heads for variation.



Categories: Bones / PVC, Kickstarter, Kings of War, Mantic, Polystyrene plastic, Random Fantasy, Reaper, WarhammerTags: , , , ,

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Tom Trussel

Part time author of dark, short fiction

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